Name:Race to the Finish
Date: 20th April 2024
Location: Ye Olde Cock Tavern, London
Format: Bloodbowl 7s
Having said that, I did play in the Kent Team Championships earlier in the year and had already committed to a 7s tournament, Race to the Finish, that I am going to talk about here.
TO on the day was CptOats. It was NAF registered and open to all but apart from one player from North of Watford somewhere it was essentially a jolly for ECBBL and DBL players.
The idea was simple. Play fast. I have never played 7s before but if anyone who has played me knows I do play somewhat quickly. Trying to work out the play in my opponents turn in order to give me more time in my own turn. This works OK for 11s but proved more than useful for 7s and especially on this day, although with almost 0 rerolls the turnovers came thick and fast.
I took skaven (boo, I know) and they were very good. 3 naked gutters, a blitzer with mighty blow and tackle stacked and 4 line rats and a 'desperate measure', all for 600k.
I'll spare you the play by play, but I faced OWA, Gnomes and Tomb Kings and went win, win, draw. I totally forgot to use my Banana skin desperate measure in the Tomb Kings game which would have been 3 wins for the day (but probably wouldn't have been enough for a prize anyway).
Winner for the day was Matt Jarman with Elven Union with some very nice proxies - cat people from DnD, Tabaxi?
All in all I very much enjoyed the format, maybe I'll search out some more 7s tourneys in the future. Thanks to CptOats for organising and supplying beers!