Blood Bowl Commissions

Elven Union - GW and Punga

I went to the BBQBowl tournament in summer 2024, going 3-0-0 I might add, my best outing with my own Elven Union team to date. although I did enlist the help of the Swift Twins. It was the only ruleset I could shoehorn them into without really sacrificing anything else. 

We took home the best painted trophy as well and they got some attention. So much so that someone offered to buy them - I am not really interested in selling my own teams as they have some emotional investment in them, no matter what I really think of my own paint job - so I put a price tag on them that was out of reach. 

The next week the guy came back to me and asked for a commission, similar style to mine, just with different colours, inspired by some teams he'd seen on Warhammer Community from the GW staff amongst others. Anyway, here are the results, I'm a bit miffed now as I feel my painting has developed since I did my elves, and these are better haha!

I love the colour scheme on these guys, not just the chequerboard pattern. The Swift Twins in fiery orange makes them really stand out as well. I made their name plates by chopping up existing transfers from the Elven Union decal sheet. Extra touches include a few head and arm swaps with a bit of green stuff and paintwork to hide the joins. The kicker model is also from Punga, I think it is meant to be the defunct star Dolfar Longstride, not to mention a nod to the 2nd Edition GW kicker model.

High Elves - 3rd edition Games Workshop

Commission for the infamous PurpleChest. He handed these to me a few months ago in a battered state with paint on, probably from the 90s, apart from two pristine catchers. He said to me, "Can you make these vaguely similar to these others?" I knew immediately I'd have to strip them all and decided that the original box art would be a nice touch, so this is my take on it. There's even a non-Blood Bowl mini in there, from Mordheim I believe.

Wood Elves - Willy Miniatures

Really enjoyed doing these ones. The sculpts are excellent, however the resin casts were somewhat dubious in places and required a bit of cleaning up and filling. Some parts I could do nothing with as the client had already built them and I didn't want to risk ruining the resin by trying to reposition the limbs for example. Colours were based on the old 2nd Edition alternative Athelorn Avengers red & yellow quarter-panel kit. Leaves on bases were made using Rooibos tea leaves just taken straight out of the teabag along with static grass and a tuft - yellow flowers for the catchers, green for the linemen, white for the throwers and red for the wardancers. 

Underworld Denizens/Goblin/Skaven - Tabletop Art

These we on sale at the Dorbirn bloodbowl world cup and are still available on Tabletop-art's website, although they don't offer shipping to the UK so you need some friendly European to help you out, or pay a premium on Ebay if you want these beautiful sculpts in your collection. They really are lovely, so full of character and each one individual. I especially like the snotlings and their little faces. 

I took my time over these ones, 6 months or so I think, but Heff was in no hurry and wanted them done properly so my procrastination situation wasn't so much of an issue. Given it was 36 things to begin with, plus another 9 later on, I don't think it was too terrible a timescale. There was a fair amount of work involved here since they nearly all metal and required a fair amount of cleaning up and filling. I even greenstuffed the hood for the second thrower so he became a gutter runner for the full skaven squad.

Annoyingly I've lost some of the original photos of these so many were syphoned from my instagram feed, including the Glart shot for which I don't even have a pro shot of on Insta.

Amazons - Calaverd3D + 2 randoms

Really loved these models and would have got them for myself had I not won the GW Amazon team at a local tournie. I like the electric blue, white and dark brown combo here. Similar scheme to my skaven/underworld team. These photos take before I made my lightbox so you can see the paper joins behind lol.

Human ogre + Halflings - 2nd & 3rd Edition Games Workshop

These were done for fellow ECBBLer and infamous coach, Lycos. A quick turnaround as he needed them for Eurobowl iirc. I love the 3rd Ed halflings and this old Morg (I think) actually looks pretty cool without the spike on his glove. Again, blue and white...maybe I was going through a phase.


I did these as a freebie for a London tournament - I think in December 2021. 3D prints although I have no idea where from.

Treemen and Halflings - WFB & 2nd Edition Games Workshop

This was a 2-part freebie commission I did for my good friend, Steve (Chankas). It started with the trees after seeing him play with them for a whole season with broken arms (held together with UHU and Blu-tac) and chipped, ageing paint. I felt it was time for an intervention. He was very pleased with the result and in return gave me some old school Tom Meier dragons from the 1980s.

Kroxigor - BruteFun Miniatures

A very nice Krox model, not just the pose but to paint as well. Nothing over complicated, as we have come to expect from BruteFun. This one completed for PurpleChest in July 2023.

Chameleon Skink - Games Workshop

Another small commission for PurpleChest. Standard Chameleon Skink here to add to his existing Lizards as he didn't have one. Had to do some 'creative' painting here as whomever had previously undercoated it used a very thick primer and some details were lost.

Baboon - "Savannah Team"

I'm not sure who the actual sculptor is here but these are available from MyMiniFactory. A good looking team, I think they serve as Black Orcs or Lizardmen. Another fun job for PC.

Rotspawn - UGNI

I really like some of the UGNI miniatures; they have a number of really nice creative & fun takes on some positionals. This here is their Nurgle Rotspawn piece, I especially like the inclusion of the vines and flowers on this whole team. Also another one done for PC.

Akhorne the Squirrel - Calaverd3D

Another fun mini project for PC. I tried my hand at adding UHU glue and Blood for the Blood God gore with this one. Worked out fine I think, not brilliant but looks effective.

Dwarf - Dwalrus, Greebo

Some of you may know the story behind these, so I'll keep it brief. Heff vowed to play a whole year with Dwarves (he despises them) for charity. As part of that, we made a bet that not only does he have to play Dwarves but it has to be with the Greebo 'cutimal' team, and that I would paint them for free. Some people hate these types of minis, some people love them. I don't despise them, they are generally just a bit impractical for BB - you can't easily tell the difference between the piece and they don't stay 'flipped' if they are prone/stunned so you need markers. In order to help distinguish the positionals Heff asked for them to be painted as 'my little pony style', I'll leave you work out which ones are the end of the year (in fact it turned out to be 2 years because of Covid/Lockdown) they were sold off for the same charity at Thrudbowl I believe for 250 quid or so.

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