Friday, 21 February 2025

Thrud charity team: Slann

 Even though I'm trying to make a dent in my own pile of grey shame (which has grown rather a lot recently), I accepted a request to do a charity painting job for the wonderful people who organise Thrudbowl and the auction in aid of MIND.

The team is the Punga Slann one, great sculpts, and should be relatively quick to paint. I'm opting for a classic theme with everyone having green skin and gold armour. I did want to make some colourful frogs but maybe I'll save that for my personal slann team.

Quick WIP shot below:

Monday, 3 February 2025

Tournament write-up: BBBL Winter Classic

I tried, fairly unsuccessfully, to play Norse in our league (ECBBL) last season. Tbf I took the wrong build really and marred by many 1/9s and batting collapses throughout the season meant I was tempted to leave them in the display cabinet for 2025. However, I thought I'd give them another go in the league (this time opting for a berserker, an apo and some fans to start) and also try to play them in tournaments where even if the package isn't great I can at least go for the painting competition.

Bromley's Winter classic however, at 1 million limit and 6 skills for tier 1 seemed the perfect opportunity to give them a go. I figured it would be heavy on the stunty-star combo so Norse it was. 12 men and women, 2rr, no boars, no apo. 2 tackles on the berserkers, guard and block on the Ulfs, Block and wrestle on the valks.

Game 1 vs halflings! Result! It went pretty much as expected. My opponent did roll a lot of poor dice and mine were decent. Lost of cas and 3-0 to me meant top table for game 2.

Game 2 vs orcs. Well this was also expected I guess...winning game 1 meant inevitably facing someone with the same idea. He chose to receive first iirc and failed to remove any of my players early on whereas I took out one of his making his drive all the more difficult and I was able to defend successfully. In my drive I was able to punch a hole and push through, allowing me to stall for a couple of turns before the danger became too much of a risk and the score was done t4. With a full team still I figured I had a good chance of defending again and despite a KO or too the orcs were held to a 1-0. Win!

Game 3 vs Dwarves! Fellow ECBBLer and Fumbbl player, Schoolyb with 11 boring bearded bastards all with block (I can't say much taking Norse but Dwarves are more boring by a country mile). A very well fought game. Again the Norse were sucking up the punches, thick skill coming into play quite often. Dwarves received and despite a last ditch effort with a dodge and GFIs from an Ulf to attempt surfing the BC, ending in double both down, they were able to score in 8. However a lucky removal or three from the norse meant the draw was at least on. Again, I elected to score early enough so at least one of us could try to win it (preventing the filthy star-studded snots of purplechest another trophy) and although looking like a draw by t7, the norse somehow came through for the 2-1. Win!

3-0-0 but was it enough? 6 TDs and 2 out of 3 bonus points for doing stupid shit meant, yes! My first tournament win! Absolutely smashing start to the year.

Thrud charity team: Slann

 Even though I'm trying to make a dent in my own pile of grey shame (which has grown rather a lot recently), I accepted a request to do ...